Christain Library

Praise God from Who All Blessings Flow

Childrens Books

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’

New Testament

New Testament Children’s Books are books specifically designed for children that contain stories and teachings from the New Testament of the Bible. They are intended to make it easier for children to understand and engage with the themes and messages found in the New Testament.

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The Birth of JesusA Man Sent From GodA Terrible Time for JesusJesus Chooses 12 HelpersThe Miracles of Jesus
A Temple Leader Visits JesusJesus the Great TeacherThe Farmer and the SeedRich Man, Poor ManThe Prodigal Son
The Good SamaritanThe Woman at the WellJesus Stills the Stormy SeaThe Girl Who Lived TwiceJesus Heals the Blind
Jesus Feeds 5000 PeopleJesus and LazarusJesus and ZaccheusThe First EasterThe Birth of the Church
The Church Meets TroublePeter and the Power of PrayerFrom Persecutor to PreacherPaul’s Amazing TravelsHeaven, God’s Beautiful Home

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These childrens books are provided by:

Bible for Children

Your favorite stories from the Bible. Absolutely free.
